
As we begin a new year, I wanted to reflect on 2019 and look ahead to 2020.  Specifically, I wanted to share my “word of the year” for 2020, because at this time that sounds way more fun than making resolutions.  I am not a big fan of resolutions anyway.  Honestly, I can’t remember if I have done this before, but for 2020, my word is going to be: connection.  Let me tell you why.

As we wrap up 2019, I am concerned by how empty and alone I feel.  That probably sounds unlikely coming from me and knowing that my life is full of many wonderful and meaningful things.  Truly, I am a very fortunate woman.  But, when I say empty and alone, it isn’t all about one particular person, place, or thing.  That is where “connection” comes into play.  I feel like I have lost connections to people, places, things, activities, goals, values, etc. that are important to me.  How did I get so lost?  When did life become just getting things checked off of a list? 

So, for me, I am going to work on creating or improving the connections in my life.  And, the beauty of this is that it doesn’t mean I have to work harder or more.  It may mean I let go of some things or change how I interact with someone or something.  Connection can be liberating, and I am looking forward to a more meaningful and purposeful year.

When shifting this topic to mental health in general, connection is key.  In fact, I know of at least one book that discusses how depression can be linked to lost connections to nature, relationships, meaningful work, etc.  When we think about our mental well-being, connections are a factor in how we feel.  As we head into 2020, I encourage you to look into your connections and how they may be affecting your mental health.  You might be surprised to see connections between your connections.