Project 2025 Participation

In last month’s blog entry I referenced Project 2025, which is led by AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention).  For this month I would like to elaborate some more on the project by mentioning some of the groups that are also involved in the project.  Here is that list: 

National Commission on Correctional Healthcare:
National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention:
SafeSide Prevention:
American College of Emergency Physicians:
National Institute of Mental Health:
Education Development Center:
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:
Suicide Prevention Resource Center:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
National Shooting Sports Foundation:
As you can see from the list, there are over a dozen organizations that are working with AFSP on Project 2025.  I find it inspiring that these groups are working together to provide suicide prevention education and investiagate ways to reduce suicide.  Do you recognize any of these organizations?  I assume that a lot of people have heard of the government organizations, such as the VA and the CDC, but there were definitely a few on the list that I did not recognize.  I encourage everyone to go through this group to see how each organization is working to prevent suicide.
I would also note that while Project 2025 is on my radar and includes some big groups, no doubt there are many other projects and initiatives out there with the aim and goal of suicide prevention.  These projects are important too, because every action, no matter how small, makes a difference and adds to a bigger change.  Are you aware of other suicide prevention projects?  If so, I would appreciate hearing about them.  You can comment on this post or email me at with the information.