The Search

Since we are in the holiday season as I write this, I was busy the other day looking for my DVD of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.  This movie is by far my favorite Christmas movie.  Some of the jokes never get old, and it is always good to laugh.  But, I could not find it anywhere.  I looked at where I thought all of the DVDs were, and after looking several times I still could not find it.  However, during this search I stumbled upon something else I had presumed had been lost forever.

A portable DVD player was something I had purchased several years ago, thinking I would use it on a very long flight from LA to Tahiti for our big honeymoon trip.  I don’t think it has ever been used, and it got stored away for future use.  Except that I could never find the darn thing.  Turns out it was in a bag on the same shelf as some of our DVDs that are in a storage bag.  How many times had I been in the cabinet and just assumed that bag also had DVDs in it?  Good grief.  However, as I searched for my DVD it occurred to me that I should look in this bag, and there it was.  I was so excited after finding this (right under my nose) after two years that not finding the original item was not such a big deal.

And of course this incident gave me a deeper insight.  How many times do we “look” for something only to find something else along the way?  Life is like that a lot I think.  This incident was another reminder to appreciate and observe not only the outcome but the journey to it.

P.S. – My husband did find the DVD in our basement in a place it usually wouldn’t be kept!

Diet Update

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have started doing Optifast again, which is a medically supervised, calorie restricted diet.  And, as I write this, I have been at it for about three and a half weeks.  I wanted to take the time in this post to share what I have felt and how it is going so far.

Although I can’t prove it, my thought is that this time around I am more observant about my feelings around food and my diet.  Because of this, I have been amazed at how much emotional stock I put into food.  I am also surprised at how much I have used food as a reward – and I have rewarded myself a lot it seems.  I am not beating myself up about it, but I have realized that food has played a big role in what I think makes me happy.  Of course, that has led to a lot of weight gain, and now I am working to change that.

The other trend this time around is that I live with two guys that are not on this diet.  My husband is actually going to start with me soon, but so far I have been doing it on my own.  Last time, my husband and I did it together the entire time.  Needless to say, the temptations have been almost overwhelming.  My son especially should not have to suffer because I am on a diet, and his leftovers sometimes are hard not to “clean up” by having me eat it.  That has also helped me to reflect on how hard this journey can be for me.  It’s a heck of a lot easier when those temptations are not in the house.  However, by having them around I have to be even stronger in my resolve to stick to the plan.

Overall, though, things have been going well.  The official total is I am down 17.8 pounds!  I call that a victory, and hope that the weight loss continues.  My exercise is also starting to ramp up, so that should help too.  Here’s to continued improvement and success!


Over the last few months I have been looking at preschools for my son.  Now, he is a little young for preschool at this point, but since I have no idea about availability and waiting lists, I figured I would try to get a jump on it.  My son already attends a daycare that has preschool, so really he wouldn’t have to move at all.  However, I wanted to consider some different types of preschool, specifically Montessori and Christian preschools.

Looking at these other schools has been an eye opening experience.  The rules, the policies, and the procedures are all different, and honestly thinking about my son being in a different place has created some anxiety for me, although I am sure he would be fine.  I am also sure these schools are great, but I keep wondering what additional value they would bring that he isn’t already getting.  Is a Montessori school the right option for us?  Is a Christian school the right option for us?  I’m also not here to judge the decisions of others, but I’m looking at these places and thinking, are we just going to pay people to cover topics that we could do ourselves at home?  What is to stop us from creating a Montessori experience at home?  What is to stop us from creating a Christian school experience at home?  If these topics are so important to us, wouldn’t we be living this out at home?  This is entirely my own opinion, but I feel like paying more to go to these places is saying that I give up my responsibility to do it as a parent.  I could be totally wrong, but I am definitely struggling with that right now.  Luckily we have time on our side, so I am hoping to get this sorted out in a practical way.  Overall, though, I am fortunate to be able to have the options to consider.

Keeping the Faith

I have been a member of the United Methodist Church my entire life.  I have thought about other faith traditions, but this is the one that seemed to match a lot of what I believe.  Now, I wouldn’t say I agree with every single thing about the church, but I agree with the majority of it.

Even though I have been a United Methodist, my participation in the church has waxed and waned over the years.  Things like college, moving, losing my dad, and having a baby have been causes (or excuses?) for missing out on church and all of the activities that come along with it.  But no matter what, it seems like I always end up coming back.  Right now has been the time for another “comeback”, and for me it feels like this has been the best one of them all.

We have been back to attending church for a few months or so now, and it just seems to really be resonating with me.  The new pastor seems fantastic, and she just completed a sermon series on mental health (which honestly was a big reason that I wanted to start going back).  Other sermons have also been really thought provoking and have really taken the Bible and applied it to our current issues and problems.  And, I am not saying that church was irrelevant in the past, but now it feels so much more meaningful today.  I am really liking where we are going and I am way more excited about my faith than I have been in a long time.

How about you?  What are your spiritual beliefs?  Is it time to make a spiritual “comeback”?  My hope is that at the very least you have the time to think about the spiritual side of your life and what that means to you.


Do you feel like you spend most of your days dealing with issues or problems?  Are you looking for solutions or ways to make things better?  Are you looking to make an issue or problem go away?

While it can be said that most of life is dealing with problems, there is some basic goodness to that.  If we didn’t have problems to solve, what exactly would all of us do all day long?  Solving problems can give us purpose, and they are what drives most of us to be productive and giving people.

On the other hand, problems can be overwhelming.  Too many problems, not enough solutions.  Or, there is the question of prioritizing – which problem should be solved first?  Sometimes it seems so out of our control.

But I wonder among all of these problems – do we take the time to acknowledge the strengths and assets that we do have?  Instead of always concerning ourselves with problems and what is wrong, what about spending some time to think about what is right?  What is going well?  What do we do well?  What do we already have?  What do we already know?  Perhaps we need a little more balance here.  Would solving problems be easier if we first thought about the strengths and assets we already have?  I think it is at least worth a shot.

So, next time you go to work on a problem, think about your strengths.  Do you already have some of the resources you need?  Do you already have some of the skills you need?  Perhaps it will give you the boost you need to solve your problem more efficiently.  At the very least, it may also help to give you the confidence and motivation to keep moving forward, and that can be very helpful too.

Great Moments in Parenting

We have just put our toddler down for a nap, and, as usual, he is not too happy about it.  Even as I write this I hear crying and screaming, and I hate that he is unhappy.  But, he’s a little boy, and we know from experience that naptime is important.  Really, it is important for all of us to rest and have downtime, although that may look different for all of us.  Anyway, naptime in our house is usually not the best part of parenting.

Ah, parenting.  The toughest, messiest, scariest, happiest, loveliest, and most joyful thing most of us will do.  Parenting encompasses all human emotions on the spectrum.  One minute you could be having a great time with your child, and the next they are trying every ounce of patience you have.  Children truly are great teachers in this respect, as they seem to have ways to bring out the traits and habits that you could improve.

For all of the ups and downs of parenting, there are some pretty beautiful moments that make it all worth it.  Luckily for me, I got to have one of those moments last week.

As I was getting ready to leave to teach a class, I kissed my son and told him and good bye and that I loved him.  Without asking for a response, he responded by saying that he loved me too!  I was overwhelmed and started crying, but it was a happy cry.  I said it again and so did he.  Wow!  Who knew that “love you” would be some of his first words?!  It truly made my day, and in my opinion speaks to how much we say we love each other in our family.  It was definitely a small moment to cherish.

If you are a parent, how about you?  What beautiful parenting moments have you had?  When you are having a tough day, hopefully remembering these can make the day just a little lighter.


Today during work I was asked to send both a baby picture and a picture from my teenage years to a co-worker.  We are having a “virtual baby shower” tomorrow for one of my team members, and this is going to be a part of the shower.  Luckily, I had scanned some old photos that now hang out on my computer, so it was fairly easy to do.  However, during the process I started to get sucked into looking at all of the pictures that I do have on my computer.

Ah pictures.  There are so many of them, especially since I got my first digital camera.  However, I also have a lot of pictures from the old print days when I was taking pictures all of the time in high school and college.  What is it about taking and having pictures?

There are some people who note that you don’t want to spend your whole life taking pictures because by doing that, you are missing out on life itself.  I respect that.  My son was born into a world that is all digital pictures, and I can only imagine the amount of images he will have taken of or by him.  Phones also make it all too easy to take a large volume of snapshots.  I understand there has to be a balance here.  However, I think pictures are important.  As I started looking at my digital pictures all I could do was smile, and it was an enjoyable experience.  I know that going through my old print ones would also bring me a lot of joy.

So, when it comes to pictures, everyone has to decide what balance works for them.  Don’t miss out on life by taking pictures all of the time, however, make sure you have a way to remember the good times.  There is a way to make photos complement instead of overwhelm.


As I write this, I am in the middle of a weekend long training to become a Zumbini instructor.  What is Zumbini?  It is a 45 minute class for 0-4 year olds that involves singing, dancing, and playing instruments.  For those you familiar with Zumba, it is related to it, but it is not the same thing.  You can check out Zumba here: and Zumbini here:

Before I started the class today, I read the instructor’s manual, and when I read it it seemed pretty straightforward and easy to follow.  Of course, now that I am in the class I am learning all the finer details and ways to make for a great experience for children and their caregivers.  Like most things in life, reading about it and actually doing it are very different things.

For those of you who know me, doing this class is definitely out of my usual.  I am a science and math kind of lady.  And, although I appreciate and have an interest in art, dance, and music, and I am not usually the one leading the creative activity.  I am hoping this will help me to tap into my creative side and share it with others.  It is likely going to take a lot of practice to make it happen, but I think the Zumbini program is such a great idea – singing, dancing, playing music, and sharing it with little ones – sounds like a good way to spend time to me!

How about you?  Is there something you have thought about doing that is beyond your usual?  What would it take to make it happen?  What do you stand to gain from doing it?  I hope you take the time to at least consider something you might want to do that is beyond your usual.


The week of this writing it was announced that Prince Harry is engaged.  Some of you might be asking, who is Prince Harry?  However, if you follow the British monarchy at all, you know who he is.  I wouldn’t say I am obsessed with them, but I have followed the British royals since Princess Diana.  I am mostly interested in Prince William and Kate since we were all born within the same year, and I did get up at 3 a.m. to watch their wedding.  I also will admit that I bought a knock-off version of Kate’s engagement ring, because I thought it was beautiful and because I love sapphires.

Why am I so fascinated by these people?  I wonder this myself sometimes.  I think I like to dream about how glamourous and fun their lives must be.  It seems like they get to do what they want and live how they want.  I’m sure there are some not so great things about life as a royal, and it isn’t always awesome, but overall it seems like it should be a good gig.  Thinking about being a royal to me is like thinking about what you would do with unlimited resources.

Dreaming aside, there is another reason I like the royals so much, particularly these days.  And that is their charity work.  They are involved in many causes, and I think that is important.  Specifically, they have done work regarding mental health, and I appreciate how they lend their support to this cause.  If you want to see more, check out this link:

By bringing mental health more into the public eye, the British royalty are adding to the idea that the more we talk about it, the less fear and stigma there will be.  This also helps to create more dialogue on solutions.  I applaud their efforts, and I look forward to their continued work in this area.