
Another month, and the pandemic is still a big topic in the world.  Rightfully so, but people are also starting to get restless, and I empathize with that sentiment.  In fact, as I sit here writing this entry, I am struck by how much waiting I feel like I have been doing: 

Waiting to go out on a date with my husband. 
Waiting to take my son out to the park or somewhere fun.
Waiting to see extended family.
Waiting to go out with friends.
Waiting to take a vacation. 
Waiting to fly on an airplane. 
Waiting to go to church.
Waiting to attend an event. 
Of course, patience is a big weakness for me, but I am not alone in these feelings.  
Then, for those struggling with their mental health, I wonder what they might be waiting for, irregardless of the pandemic: 
Waiting to have the interest to get out of bed. 
Waiting to find something to laugh about. 
Waiting to feel less tired. 
Waiting to feel less anxious. 
Waiting on family or friends to understand. 
Waiting on society to understand. 
The list could go on forever.  But, how do we move forward?  Is waiting so terrible?  Is waiting necessary?  Is action necessary?
Well, there are many answers to these questions, and I definitely know there is no one “right” answer for everyone.  However, for me, it is time to start moving.  It is time to stop waiting and time to take action.  Some of that action may be uncertain and cautious, but it is time to stop thinking so much and to get out there and do.
How about you?  What are you waiting for?  Do you still need to wait, or is it time to move forward?  I hope that whatever you decide, you are doing what you think is important and best for you.