New Directions

In my last entry, I talked about how my family has moved.  While some of the big items have been checked off of the list, I noted that there are still a lot of changes happening in our lives.  Today, I want to dive deeper into what has changed in my world related to mental health. 

In Iowa, I was a member of the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Iowa Board of Directors, and had served as its president for two years.  In addition I have taught NAMI Provider and NAMI Family to Family classes.  Also, I worked on mental health initiatives at my church.  For several years, mental health has been a big focus and a big interest of mine, so I assumed that this would continue when I moved to Arizona. 
Perhaps I have not given myself enough time to transition and adjust, because I have not gotten involved in much yet.  I have joined NAMI Arizona and a local chapter of the organization..  I have reached out to the Executive Director of NAMI Arizona but have received no response currently.  I am starting to think about if I could do a mental health Bible study or group at my new church, but I am not sure how that might look.  To sum it up, I am doing a lot of thinking, but not a lot of acting on it.  And, for some reason, that has given me pause.  What could I be doing about mental health here in my new home?  How could I go about it?  Who could I work with?  Where could this work happen?  I am hoping to find some more clarity soon. 
In the meantime, if you have some ideas or suggestions, please let me know – I am open to hearing your thoughts