Suicide Survivor Loss Photography

Most of us have heard of the saying “a picture says a thousand words”, and for the most part I think that rings true.  The expressions on a face, the background, the interactions between everyone or everything that is going on in the picture – these make pictures an expression that can be described in so many ways.  Colorful.  Dramatic.  Bold.  Raw.  Beautiful.  It is indeed challenging to describe pictures in only a few words. 

In my research into suicide prevention, I have found some articles and websites that have focused on suicide loss survivor photography.  These have included pictures of the suicide loss survivors themselves as well as suicide loss survivors holding a picture of someone they lost to suicide.  What I have seen and read so far has been very powerful, and the pictures convey so much emotion.  I highly recommend searching for “suicide loss survivor photography” and checking it out for yourself. 

In addition to checking out the suicide loss survivor photography that is already out there, I want to invite you to email me at for a similar project.  If you are a suicide loss survivor, please send me pictures of yourself either on your own or with a picture of someone you have lost to suicide.  Include as much or as little detail as you want to share with the world, and my plan is to share these on my webpage.  I am also hoping to take some of the pictures myself and add over time.  If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to email me at the same address that was already mentioned earlier.

While suicide loss survivor photography can be somber, I think there is real depth that can help aid in the awareness and prevention of suicide.  I look forward to working with everyone on this project.