
The week of this writing it was announced that Prince Harry is engaged.  Some of you might be asking, who is Prince Harry?  However, if you follow the British monarchy at all, you know who he is.  I wouldn’t say I am obsessed with them, but I have followed the British royals since Princess Diana.  I am mostly interested in Prince William and Kate since we were all born within the same year, and I did get up at 3 a.m. to watch their wedding.  I also will admit that I bought a knock-off version of Kate’s engagement ring, because I thought it was beautiful and because I love sapphires.

Why am I so fascinated by these people?  I wonder this myself sometimes.  I think I like to dream about how glamourous and fun their lives must be.  It seems like they get to do what they want and live how they want.  I’m sure there are some not so great things about life as a royal, and it isn’t always awesome, but overall it seems like it should be a good gig.  Thinking about being a royal to me is like thinking about what you would do with unlimited resources.

Dreaming aside, there is another reason I like the royals so much, particularly these days.  And that is their charity work.  They are involved in many causes, and I think that is important.  Specifically, they have done work regarding mental health, and I appreciate how they lend their support to this cause.  If you want to see more, check out this link:

By bringing mental health more into the public eye, the British royalty are adding to the idea that the more we talk about it, the less fear and stigma there will be.  This also helps to create more dialogue on solutions.  I applaud their efforts, and I look forward to their continued work in this area.

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